Ulexite is a hydrous borate mineral
(NaCaB5O6(OH)6_5H2O) with
unique optical properties. If you put a specimen of polished ulexite on
top of a picture, the picture appears as if it is on top of the rock.
The same thing works with words, because you can actually read through a
ulexite crystal! Ulexite is referred to as the "TV
Rock," because of these properties.
Ulexite naturally occurs as very thin, needle-like
crystals. Each crystal acts like a fiber optic cable, as it
easily transmits undistorted light waves from one end of the crystal to
the other. Scientists discovered the reason that ulexite has this
property is due to boron. This discovery helped to develop fiber optic
cable that allows light to be transmitted. The use of fiber optics have
silently changed how the world communicates. Before its discovery sound
was send over copper wires as sound waves. Sound today can be converted
by the telephone and fax machines into light waves. Light can travel
much faster than sound, so the lines of communication are much clearer.