On a rainy weekend during the
school year, you decide to visit the science museum that has just
opened near your home. When you arrive, you discover that it is huge.
There are more interesting things to see than you can possibly examine
in an afternoon. How do you decide what to see? How do you find out
where to go?
Luckily, inside the entrance of the
museum, you see a row of computer stations. At each station, a screen
displays a map of the museum. As you move the computer’s mouse over
the map, a window appears telling you what is displayed in each
area. You want to see the museum’s exhibit on gemstones. You notice
that the computer screen has a search command. You enter the word
"gemstones". The screen responds by highlighting the room on
the map where gemstones are displayed. It also tells you how to get
there from the museum entrance, as well as what gemstones are
currently on display.