
Lesson 2 - Page 4


Early people from Mozambique claimed the Earth is a living creature. The Earth has the same kinds of problems people have. Sometimes, it gets sick with fever and chills and we can feel its shaking.

Once a Chickasaw chief (American Indian) was in love with a Choctaw princess. He was young and handsome, but he had a twisted foot, so his people called him Reelfoot. When the princess' father refused to give Reelfoot his daughter's hand, the chief and his friends kidnapped her and began to celebrate their marriage. The Great Spirit was angry and stomped his foot. The shock caused the Mississippi River to overflow its banks and drown the entire wedding party.

The god Loki from Scandinavia is being punished for the murder of his brother, Baldur. He is tied to a rock in an underground cave. Above his face is a serpent dripping poison, which Loki's sister catches in a bowl. From time to time, she has to go away to empty the bowl. Then the poison falls on Loki's face. He twists and wiggles to avoid it, and the ground shakes up above him.


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