Script for
This slideshow is designed for all grades. The instructor should decide the level and purpose for their class. It establishes the type of fossils and preservation. It gives an example of shark fossils.
Slide 1:
What is a fossil?
that fossils are part of the Earth Sciences called Paleontology. A scientist
that studies fossils is called a Paleontologist.
Paleontologist have to understand the living organisms in order to understand
fossils. Many people can walk by a fossil and just think it is a rock (which it
is – a sedimentary rock).
Is the
specimen in this photograph a fossil? Ask students if picture #1 (shell fossil)
or picture #2 (modern shells) is a fossil. Point out some differences between
modern shells and fossils. The fossils do not have any color or pattern that we
can see. Fossils often look like they are attached to rocks. You can point out
that we can compare the fossils to the modern organisms to learn about the
fossils. Ask students to see what modern day specimen in the second image can be
used to compare to the fossil in the first.
Introduce to
students that fossilization just does not pertain to bones, and remind the
audience that many things leave evidence. Bones, shells, footprints, imprints,
coprolites, and many other specimens fossilize. The first slide is a great way
to establish the direction of your lecture. Be clear that in this slide to
inform your audience that you will be discussing and observing fossils from the
Paleozoic (before the dinosaur) all the way to the Cenozoic (present time).
Slide 2:
Fossilization process- This slide demonstrates how an organism becomes a fossil.
First an organism has to die. All the “gooey” soft
stuff will be eaten away either by animals or bacteria, and a hard part will
remain. It is then buried. The fossil is then exposed either by erosion or
someone excavating the site. Notice that fish can be identified but if you look
at the snail shell, it had a hermit crab inside. Fossils help paleontologists
tell a story, but sometimes the clues do not tell the entire story.
Slide 3:
The easy way to become a fossil
This slide
repeats and expands upon the previous one.
To become a
fossil first you need a hard part like a shell, bone or tooth. Pick up the
jellyfish model and ask if this can easily become a fossil. No it lacks a hard
part. (Jellyfish can be preserved via impressions or carbonization, but it is
much harder for a jellyfish/soft organism to be preserved overall.)
Second you
need to be buried rapidly by soft sediments to help preserve features. The
fossilization process for animals that die on land is more difficult. The bones
are often not buried rapidly and the parts may be eaten or scattered by
Once a bone
or shell is buried chemistry takes place. Different minerals can harden a fossil
specimen and even replace it. Chemistry has to do its “magic.”
Students may
believe an organism becomes a fossil overnight instead of realizing the unique
process of fossilization takes time. Once a fossil becomes a rock, it alive
Slide 4.
Environments, types of
After your students understand how an organism
becomes a fossil, transition into the types of environments in which specimens
can be preserved and the different types of fossilization. Depending on the
grade level of your class, it is my recommendation to discuss
mold/cast, and impression.
You can state that carbonization, per-mineralization, recrystallization, and
replacement are other ways specimens can be preserved but the concepts may be
too complicated for grade school science.
Mummification: These slides explain the process of mummification for
Lyuba (Russian: Люба), a female woolly mammoth calf
(Mammuthus primigenius) who died c.
41,800 years ago at the age of
30 to
35 days. She is by far the best preserved
mammoth mummy in the world. Her
intestines still contained adult
mammoth feces, showing that she followed the same behaviour as her elephant
cousins, eating her mother’s feces to fill her gut with microbes, to prepare her
body to digest grass.
Another example is an insect which has been trapped in tree resin. The tree
resin keeps oxygen out. When the resin fossilizes to form amber, it
preserves the insect. Plants, insects, and small vertebrates can be preserved
this way.
Mold and Cast:
This is a form
of indirect fossil preservation – the organism is not preserved, but traces of
the organism are. These traces provide clues about an organism’s life.
The most common indirect fossils are molds and casts. After
the remains of an organism have been buried in sediments, water moving through
the sediment dissolves the fossil. A cavity in the rock remains and is called a
mold. A
cast forms when the mold fills up with another material. In some
cases, minerals such as calcite or quartz precipitate in the mold. Sediment may
also fill the void. The formation of a cast is similar to putting Jell-O in a
mold. When you remove the mold, you are actually seeing a cast.
An impression is when an organism leaves an imprint or
impression in soft sediment. The sediment then turns into a rock preserving the
outline and any detail of the organism.
Carbonization: A chemical
reaction where water transforms the organic material of plant or animal to a
thin film of carbon. Nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen are driven off as gases,
leaving an outline of the organism. Organisms often preserved by carbonization
include fish, leaves and the woody tissues of plants.
Permineralization or petrifaction: Takes place in
porous materials such as bones, plants and shells.
The material is buried; later,
groundwater percolates through its pore spaces. A solution, commonly
supersaturated in either calcium carbonate or silica, precipitates minerals in
the spaces. This preserves the original wood or shell-like material.
Recrystallization: Occurs when a solution or
precipitate changes the internal physical structure of a fossil.
Recrystallization changes the microstructure of the original minerals; they
often reform as larger crystals. The composition of the mineral does not change,
only the crystal structure. For example, many shells originally composed of
calcium carbonate in the form of the mineral aragonite recrystallize into the
more stable form of calcium carbonate called calcite.
Involves the complete removal of original hard parts by solution
and deposition of a new mineral in its place. The Petrified Forest in Arizona is
an excellent example of this type of preservation. Here the original organic
material (wood) has been wholly replaced by silica.
Slide 5.
Type of fossils
What types of fossils will you view in our museum?
Explain to the students that there are many
different kinds of organisms on Earth, so there are many different types of
fossils. Click on each vocabulary term (microfossils, invertebrate, vertebrate,
trace fossils, and plants.) After clicking on the term, the slideshow will take
you to other information and slides that will help you with the lecture
The microfossil slide gives photos of radiolarians. Chert is made out of
radiolarians (many, many of them!). Radiolarian
are very small, with diameter of your eyelash.
They are zooplankton and they eat phytoplankton, especially diatoms.
Which have created vast depositions and responsible for raw ingredients
of petroleum. (Olive oil comes from
olives; corn oil comes from corn; diatoms have an oil globule that when cooked
at right temperature over time produce oil)
Invertebrate Fossils:
Invertebrates includes animals that do not have bones. This ranges from slugs,
to shelled organisms to insects. Remind the students how invertebrates are
commonly fossilized (cast, mold, replacement, permineralization,
recrystallization, etc.). They can also be fragmented and incorporated into
rocks (like the +mollusk fossils they just saw).
Plant fossils: Under the right conditions plants
can also be fossilized. This often occurs as impressions or carbonization.
Trace fossils:
Trace fossils represent the preservation of an organism’s activities. It is any
modification the organism made to the substrate or anything the organism left
behind that is not a bone, egg or
hard part. Examples of trace fossils are tracks, trails, burrows, nests, poop,
root traces, claw marks, holes in shells from predation. Trace fossils help
determine how/where an organism lived and also give information about the
environment in which the organism lived.
Tyrannosaurus rex tracks
Dr. Angeline Catena, a paleontologist, holding dung beetle burrows
Slide 6.
What is stratigraphy?
Introduce the word stratigraphy to your students. It is the study of sedimentary
rocks, their layers (and order of layers) and how they related to geologic time.
Explain why the study of stratigraphy is important to the fossil record. Fossils
are only found in sedimentary rocks, and stratigraphy helps to understand the
environments the organisms lived in, past landscapes, and the and the ages of
the fossils. Stress to your group that when discussing fossils it is important
to factor in time.
Video is an overview of Grand Canyon.
Slide 7. The
country Morocco and fossilization
Where is the country Morocco? (Northern Africa)
Explain the history with Morocco and fossils. Morocco and much of Northern
Africa was once underwater, so many fossils from sea creatures can be found
there. Identify the location of Morocco on a map. The students will take a
fossil shark tooth souvenir away from this country.
Video is of Atlas mountains, and also shows a small town that sells fossils
Slides 8/9/10.
Sharks and fossilization
For slides 8, 9, and 10 explain what type of information can be derived from
What is the connection between sharks and fossilization? When modern sharks eat,
they lose teeth. The teeth come out of the jaws and are swallowed. Just like
everything that goes in one end, the teeth come out of the shark in the form of
poop. Since sharks are composed of cartilage (not bone), parts of the skeletons
are very, very rarely preserved. The poop and the teeth are thus important,
because these are often the only fossils we have of past sharks!
Show students the shark jaw and point out the multiple rows of teeth.
The video shows a shark that is pooping!