The Fremont Earthquake Exhibit has been very popular with approximately 20,000 people coming from all over the area. This exhibit helped the Math Science Nucleus increase awareness of the science of earthquakes. The Hayward Fault is a common theme with the other facilities that the Math Science Nucleus manages. Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon Wetland Center is a sag pond created by two traces of the Hayward Fault. The Ice Age fossils in our Natural History Museum were unearthed by the Hayward Fault in south Fremont. So this exhibit made people understand the overall geology in the area. This exhibit also encourages people to prepare about the next earthquake through understanding the science of earthquakes and not to fear them. For if it wasn’t for the Hayward Fault system, Fremont would not have the rolling hills that it has today Earthquakes with their mighty energy can cause disasters, but they also create the beauty that we now see.
Hopefully our next event will be the Sunrise on the Earthquake
Fault trail that we are now proposing. If
you would like to be part of the committee to make that happen,
please email Joyce Blueford at