present Fremont Earthquake Exhibit was proceeded by a rare
chance to go down into a trench and actually see the offset
of the Hayward Fault underground. This exhibit which was
first created by the 1906 Centennial Alliance in April, 2006
was scheduled to be bulldozed, but the Math Science Nucleus
thought it was too important not to save. Then Fremont
Councilmember Bob Wieckowski (now California State
Assemblyman, was so impressed that it was the only public
exhibit of its kind in the United States and helped us save
the exhibit.
Mr. Wieckowski helped fundraiser and brought on board
Homes, then Fremont Recycling and Transfer Station, and then NUMMI
We were worried that
we would not get enough funds and then David Perlm
an wrote a wonderful
article in the SF Chronicle which caught the eye of Nancy Kincaid at the
California Earthquake Authority, and they contributed the $46,000 which
make it possible to fund the entire exhibit until after the Celebrate
Fremont event. We were able to secure grants
from the Oakland A’s,
Robeson Homes, and
Seagate. BART then wanted to contribute funds to
help launch a capital campaign.
he exhibit
was popular with close to 23,000 people coming from all over the area.
The Math Science Nucleus feels that similar exhibit could encourage people to prepare about the next
earthquake through understanding the science of earthquakes and not to
fear them.
On November 3, 2006, Keith's
Construction covered the earthquake trench to wait for the next reopening.
Why is the Math Science Nucleus interested in the Hayward Fault in
The Math Science
Nucleus manages Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon Wetland Center for Alameda County Flood Control and Conservation
District. This large natural sag pond is It is part of the Hayward Fault system. For
if it wasn’t for the Hayward Fault system, Fremont would not
have the rolling hills that it has today… nor would the fossils have
been unearthed, nor would we have Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon.
Earthquakes with their mighty energy can cause disasters, but they also
create the beauty that we now see.
2004 and before: Exhibit idea conceived by David Schwartz and Mary Lou Zoback of the U.S. Geological Survey
January 2005: Discussions begin between the 1906 Centennial Alliance and the City of Fremont
March 15, 2006: Excavation begins on trench pit
April 1, 2006: Scheduled opening delayed due to continual rainy weather
April 29, 2006: Opening Day!
June 30, 2006: Open House for visitors on last day. Followed by a funding reprieve by the California Earthquake Authority
July 14, 2006: Math Science Nucleus reopens the exhibit
July 15, 2006: Grand Re-Opening
September 5, 2006: Dedication Ceremony to discuss future of Exhibit
September 15-16, 2006: Celebrate Fremont Event with over
5000 people attending
October 22,
2006: Seismic Sunset
Oct 29, 2006:
Exhibit closes
November 3:
Exhibit is covered