Children's Natural History Museum

managed by the Math Science Nucleus
Saturday, June 4, 2016

painting on right by Laura Cunningham

The Math Science Nucleus started the museum in 2006 for the local community to learn about the importance of these Ice Age Fossils.   The addition of the new    fossils, especially the bison, adds another level of evidence to trace the evolution of our landscape in the last 1.5 million years. Please join us to celebrate and thank San Francisco Public Utility Commission (SFPUC) for donating these fossils.



Children’s Activities
ongoing all day

* See the new  Prehistoric Gardens and dig for fossils and find 4 fossils and start a real  fossil collection

* Learn about how the fossil bison bones tell you the change of time

* Make a cookie cutter of bison and make a scene of when they lived

* Bison piñata  (12:00,  2:00)

* Tours of museum starting at 11:30, 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30

* Stories of  bisons in the sky

* Passport of museum and earn a prize

* Activities in the museum on
other fossils

 and more!

Plus see the museum exhibits and new outdoor labs

Note:  All proceeds go into keeping the museum open
(we do not receive any public funds)
Museum shop will be open
 (510) 790-6284)
4074 Eggers Drive, Fremont

for more information email:

Sabercat Field Trip
June 5,  Sunday 10:30-12:00 pm

 Walk with Phil Gordon, one of the boy paleontologist and noted Naturalist
* Sabercat Historical Park, start at Paseo Padre
* Learn about this important find as you look over the area where these large mammals once walked
*   You will receive directions one week prior to the field trip (we will meet at the Paseo Padren entrance and walk west (about 2 miles total walk) ($15 Donation per person) 

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