It was a great experience and a great showcase of both scout power
and scout spirit last Saturday.
This project required a lot of scout power. I was lucky to have a
good number of scouts/parents signed up for this project and
together we successfully planted 30 oak trees on the hillside area
of the masonic homes. Simply put, I couldn't have pulled this
project if I didn't have enough scout power. The teamwork did make
it all possible.
I am super glad I took up this project. The long term benefit of
this project is huge!
Last but not the least, our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Williams (and Ms. Rocki ) for constantly assisting and guiding us through this entire process- from helping us transport the trees uphills, letting us borrow the equipments, guiding us through the digging process and how to handle those heavy tress to motivating and helping us keep our scout spirits high till the end.