Tule Ponds at Tyson

Western Mosquito Fish
Gambusia affinis

This small fish has a short flattened head and rounded tail.  It feeds on larvae of mosquitoes and other insects.  It bears its young live unlike many fish.  Mosquito fish have been introduced around the world for mosquito control.  Unfortunately, they are aggressive and replace native fishes in some areas.

Black crappie 
Family Centrarchidae  (sunfish)

Pomoxis nigromaculatus

 Back is dark olive, metallic green to golden brown.  Their dorsal, tail, and anal fins are strongly reticulated with black giving the appearance of a dark-colored fin with many whitish spots.  Large mouth with an upper jaw extends well past middle of eye when mouth is closed.  Lives for 8-10 years.

Largemouth bass
Family Centrarchidae  (sunfish)
Micropterus salmoides

Common name from large mouth, the line of which extends back past the eye Though tolerant of turbid water, it favors lakes with clear water, sandy shallows, and abundant rooted aquatic weeds; also slow moving rivers or streams with soft bottoms. Many species of pondweeds, water lilies, elodea, cattails, and bulrushes provide excellent cover.  A "warm-water" species, it flourishes in waters warmer than 80º F. and can survive temperatures into the mid-90's.

Green sunfish 
Family Centrarchidae (sunfish)
Lepomis cyanellus 

Green sunfish have a short, wide head, deep body with a big mouth.  Its dark gill flap is rimmed in yellow or white.  Back color is brownish, olive to blue green with an yellow underside.  Can tolerate extreme aquatic conditions.

Golden shiner
Family Cyprinidae

Notemigonus crysoleucas

Shiners are active fish that swims in a loose school from the bottom. They feed from midwater to the surface on adult and immature states of cladocerans, midges, dragonflies, beetles, water mites, filamentous algae and mollusks. The golden shiner begins to spawn when the water temperature reaches the high 60s and continues laying eggs through late summer.

Family Cyprinidae
Cyrinus carpio

Carp prefer warm, slow-moving rivers, lakes, ponds and impoundments with muddy bottoms and lots of vegetation. They often thrive in degraded areas, such as urban waterways, where native fishes cannot survive. Carp can tolerate low oxygen levels, very high or low water temperatures, and turbidity. They are omnivores, ingesting mouthfuls of bottom sediments and expelling them into the water, and then eating the insects, crustaceans, worms, aquatic plants and algae  contained in the sediment.

Brown bullhead
Family Ictaluridae
Ictalurus nebulosus

The brown bullhead is a medium size member of the catfish family, generally measuring 8 - 14 inches in length. This species requires a shallow nest for spawning, often building a burrow alongside a stump, rock, or tree. Eggs in the nest are cared for by both parents. About 7 days after hatching, the young leave the nest in a loose school consisting of hundreds of baby bullhead; this school is normally accompanied by one or both of the parents.

Family Centrarchidae

Lepomis macrochirus

Blue gills tend to overpopulate warm waters which leads to stunted growth rates and large populations of small fish. They feed primarily on insects, but will also eat crustaceans, fish eggs, very small fish and aquatic vegetation. Bluegills feed most actively when water temperatures reach 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Like all sunfish, the bluegill breed in the spring in shallow, saucer-shaped nests scooped out by the males. They usually concentrate their nests in colonies. Then males round up one or more females and bring them to the nest to lay eggs.

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