Name and Description | |
Coyote (Family Canidae) Canis latrans |
Grey fox (Family Canidae) Urocyon cinereoargenteus |
Red fox (Family Canidae) Vulpes vulpes |
Black-tailed deer (Family
Cervidae) Odocoileus hemionus |
Common muskrat (Family
Cricetidae) Ondatra zibethicus |
California vole (Family
Cricetidae) Microtus californicus This 4-6" creature is a creator of various survival techniques. By cutting down some of the taller grasses they create a walkway to safety when a predator comes around. They live in a burrow that they create and feed on plant material. |
Western harvest mouse (Family
Cricetidae) Reithrodontomys megalotis |
Dusky-footed woodrat (Family
Cricetidae) Neotoma fuscipes |
Salt water harvest mouse (Family
Cricetidae) Reithrodontomys raviventris Long tailed, reddish-brown, 2-3 inches long with large ears is an endangered species in the San Francisco Bay area. It lives only in the salt marshes, especially the pickleweed. It can drink saltwater unlike most mammals. It eats seeds and insects. They are eaten by hawks, and other large predator birds. |
Pinon mouse (Family Cricetidae) Peromyscus truei |
Deer mouse (Family Cricetidae) Peromyscus maniculatus |
California mouse (Family
Cricetidae) Peromyscus californicus |
Virginia Opossum (Family
Didelphidae) Didelphis virginiana |
California Bobcat (Family
Felidae) Lynx rufus They are about 15-30 pounds and ~ 20" at the shoulder. They appear to be like a domestic cat but they are more the size of a medium dog. Feeding on a variety of animals including rodents, birds and some bats. |
Botta's pocket gopher (Family
Geomyidae) Thomomys bottae |
Hermann's kangaroo rat (Family
Heteromyidae) Dipodomys heermannii |
California Pocket mouse (Family
Heteromyidae) Chaetodipus californicus |
Audubon's Cottontail (Family
Leporidae) Sylvilagus audubonii |
Brush Rabbit (Family Leporidae) Sylvilagus bachmani |
Black-tailed Jackrabbit (Family
Leporidae) Lepus californicus |
Western spotted skunk (Family
Mephitidae) Spilogale gracilis |
Striped skunk (Family Mephitidae) Mephitis mephitis A shiny black coat with two distinct white stripes identifies this nocturnal mammal. They feed on insects, berries, plant bulbs, bird eggs and mice. Their tracks are identified by the inward pointing toes. When startled they can spray a fetid, oily musk up to 15". |
Brazilian free-tailed Bat
(Family Molossidae) Tadarida brasilersis |
Norway rat (Family Muridae) Rattus norvegicus |
Black Rat (Family Muridae) Rattus rattus |
Long-tailed Weasel (Family
Mustelidae) Mustela frenata |
Raccoon (Family Procyonidae) Procyon lotor |
Ringtail (Family Procyonidae) Bassariscus astutris |
Western Grey Squirrel (Family
Scuridae) Sciurus griseu |
California Ground Squirrel (Family
Scuridae) Spermophilus beecheyi |
Ornate Shrew (Family Scuridae) Sorex ornatus |
Vagrant Shrew (Family Scuridae) Sorex vagrans |
Broad-footed Mole (Family
Talpidae) Scapanus latimanus |
Fringed Myotis (Family
Vespertilionidae) Myotis thysanodes |
Hoary Bat (Family
Vespertilionidae) Lasiurus cinereus |
Yuma Bat (Family
Vespertilionidae) Myotis yumanensis |
Pallid bat (Family
Vespertilionidae) Antrozous pallidus |
California Myotis (Family
Vespertilionidae) Myotis californicus |
Long-eared Myotis (Family
Vespertilionidae) Myotis evotis |
Townsend's big-eared bat (Family
Vespertilionidae) Pelcotus townsendii |